We have been blessed to bless others. We choose to join in the great adventure of sharing and giving what God has given us. We are not stingy with our joy but celebrate every win as if it’s our own. We are wise with what we are given and recognise that to trust God is the beginning of all wisdom. Generosity does not begin and end with finances but encompasses everything we have been entrusted with. Every act of generosity is an act of worship to God.
Regular & Once off
Non Gift Aid eligible
If you are unable to Gift Aid please use the details below to setup a monthly standing order or a one off gift..
Account name: Altitude Church
Account number: 20443553
Sort Code: 60-83-01
If you are thinking about leaving a legacy in your will to Altitude Church or would like to talk more about it please contact us using the details below.
Thank you
We cannot thank you enough for your regular and generous giving to the life and work of Altitude church.
While the information above relates to financial giving, there are many other ways of getting involved at Altitude church.